How the City of St. Petersburg Transformed Their Budgeting Process with GovMax

Jim Chism is the Senior Budget Manager at the City of St. Petersburg and shared some insights on how GovMax transformed their budgeting process.
Prior to GovMax, the City was using an internal system and different databases but sought a budgeting solution that could save them time and streamline their budgeting tasks. No one on the team liked budgeting on that complex system and there was an urgent need to make the switch.
Designed with budget managers in mind
Chism’s budget team quickly noticed how much easier budgeting was on GovMax and that it simplified the process of writing budget proposals. Set up time was also much quicker, which was important for a team of only two personnel. “For a citywide team of 85 people, some of whom were new, it only took an hour to train everyone on GovMax and it’s really convenient and efficient to use,” shares Chism.
What they love about GovMax is the customer service. Any support tickets are personally handled by the GovMax technical team and are resolved on high priority. “GovMax team is very responsive and helpful and they are always there for everything we need,” shares Chism.
Why GovMax is the best choice for St. Pete
“Once you set it up, it’s ready to use, no additional hardware or software is needed, and it gets much easier in the following years. It’s very user-friendly, especially for sorting data and creating reports. If you want to sort a report a certain way, it allows you to do that, and it’s very efficient for forecasting and analysis. Additionally, the GovMax team keeps the tool updated, and new features are always being added which further improves the system.”
Save time. Save money. Request a demo.
that you used to spend preparing budgets using outdated spreadsheets
and complicated budgeting systems.
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